Hashish is a sticky, thick, dark-colored resin (like sap) which is made from the flower of the female cannabis plant, Cannabis sativa.[1]The cannabis plant's leaves and flowers contain chemicals known as cannabinoids. The cannabinoids include THC which gives a person who smokes or eats parts of the cannabis plant a feeling of euphoria (makes the user feel good or happy), CBD, which gives the user a feeling of relaxation or sedation, and CBG which is responsible for giving the user red/droopy eyes. The name hashish comes from an Arabic word meaning dry weed.[1]
The two main drugs made from the cannabis plant are marijuana and hashish. Hashish has much more of the chemical THC (which makes users feel good or happy) than marijuana. Hashish is an illegal drug in the United States, Canada, and many other countries. It is controversial, since some people think it should be legal, some think it should be legal only for medical purposes, and some think it should not be legal at all.
To make hashish, workers rub cannabis blossoms with their hands to get the resin to stick to their hands, and then the resin is collected. Another way to make hashish is to sift the ground-up, dried leaves through a screen and compress the powder resin to make a "brick".
A more modern method of producing hashish is through alcohol extraction. In this method cannabis plants are ground up and covered in isopropyl alcohol or butane and left to sit. The resulting mixture is then evaporated off the alcohol leaving the active terpenoid and terpene compounds which can be used immediately or cooked into bricks.
When a person wants to use hashish, they usually smoke it by putting a small piece of hashish in a joint with tobacco or marijuana. Then the person lights the paper roll with a flame and inhales the smoke that comes out, exhaling 1-3 seconds after holding in the smoke.
Another way that people use hashish is by putting a small piece of hashish in a pipe or bong (water pipe) then lighting it with a flame, inhaling the smoke. Some people also eat hashish, usually by mixing it into food or baked goods.

The legality of hashish use varies by country. In the USA, there are conflicting state and federal laws concerning the use of the drug. Some states allow medicinal use but these state laws are superseded US federal law which prohibits all use of hash and marijuana.
Hashish is not legal in the Netherlands, but there are no criminal laws against having a small amount of cannabis (marijuana or hashish). This is because the Netherlands has decided that having cannabis should not be a crime. Some other countries are starting to "decriminalize" marijuana as well (make using it or having it no longer be a crime).
In some countries, such as Canada and the United States, sick people with serious diseases can legally use marijuana if they have a prescription from a medical doctor. When people with serious medical conditions such as AIDS or Multiple Sclerosis smoke marijuana, it helps to improve their mood and increase their appetite.
Hashish has much more of the chemical THC (which is a short form for "delta-9-tetra-hydro-cannabinol") than marijuana. THC is the chemical (or drug) which causes people who take hashish or marijuana to feel euphoria (happy). Hashish is a much stronger drug than marijuana.
When people smoke hashish (in a cigarette, a tin or glass pipe, or other forms of smoking apparatus like a bong) or eat hashish, certain sensations come about. One can start feeling any of the following depending on the strain or origin: happy, relaxed, feeling silly, cloudy (not able to think clearly) which can be descriptive of the type of high experienced. The term of "getting high" could mean that the effects are a more mental stimulation while other types that are for "getting stoned" tend to render the user in a relaxed and observational state. The two types of this "High", are called 1.) a heady high or 2.) couchlock. A heady high does exactly what it sounds like by creating mental stimulation that sometimes leads to exaggerated imagination and potential over analysis on simple subjects. When one "over does it", the stimulation can lead to various degrees of dizziness, euphoria and a sensation of feeling uncoordinated. In a "couchlock" state, one becomes extremely focused on a singular action or topic, sometimes leading to an unproductive state. The latter is achieved depending on the strain of marijuana or hashish, and also depends on the amount of the drug taken.
Since hashish is much stronger than marijuana, users may get strange visions or thoughts (hallucinations). Some people who take a large amount of hashish may start feeling scared, strange, or paranoid (worried that something bad is going to happen).
In the 19th century, hashish was used as a source of inspiration by Charles Baudelaire's Club des Hachichins. This was a group of French writers.

Albania: Cannabis Production Far From Coming to an End

Albania: Cannabis Production Far From Coming to an End

Two years after a massive police raid in the renegade Albanian village of Lazarat, not much has changed in the region’s cannabis production, aside from a shift in the geography of cultivation, according to Balkan Insight (BIRN).

Screen Shot 2015 09 18 at 3.11.55 PM copyLazarat Village, Albania (Photo:Wikipedia)In June 2014, 800 police officers were deployed in Lazarat – considered “Europe's cannabis capital” – as part of a nationwide police operation to crackdown cannabis plantations in the country. The authorities gained control of the village after a five-day shootout between heavily armed villagers and the police forces.
Fewer cultivation plots were identified last year, but the overall surface being cultivated was larger, Altin Qato, Vice General Director of the police, told BIRN.
In addition, most of the large planted areas are state properties, and criminals have also started to plant the crops in forests and remote mountain areas.
The village had been producing about 900 tons of marijuana per year, worth € 4.5 billion (US$ 4.9 billion) or nearly half of Albania's gross domestic product.
According to the US State Department 2016 International Narcotics Control Strategy Report (INCSR), the Albanian State Police (ASP) reported that through the first 10 months of 2015, the marijuana seizures totaled 6.87 metric tons and an ongoing nationwide eradication effort has also destroyed 689,815 marijuana plants.
Qato said that there has been a significant drop in the amount of cannabis entering Albania's neighbors in the last years.
However, he said, up to mid-June, the police had destroyed a larger quantity of cannabis plants compared to the same period in 2015. Police reports also show that the cultivation of cannabis plants remains widespread in the country, according to BIRN.
Participation in any stage of the production and trafficking of drugs is a criminal activity in Albania. Offenders involved in the production, sale, distribution and possession of drugs can face between five to 10 years in prison, while drug trafficking entails between seven to 15 years.  
“One of the factors that has increased cannabis cultivation in the country is impunity, as a result of the low quality of investigations,” Andi Dura, a lawyer and lecturer in criminal justice at the European University of Tirana, told BIRN.
Pjerin Ndreu, vice-director and Socialist MP in the Albanian Parliament’s commission on National Security, told BIRN that unemployment, corruption and money laundering are factors that have contributed to the activity. He also said that the lack of cooperation between other institutions and the police has make the fight harder.
Nikoleta Kovaci, a journalist covering police and crime issues at Shekulli newspaper, told BIRN, “A lot of other institutions could also help but are satisfied just to observe and are not doing their duty. It is time to change the approach.”
Albania remains a major source country for marijuana, according to the US State Departmentwith Greece and Italy as the main destinations for cannabis and its derivatives according to the European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drugs Addiction (EMCDDA).
Organized criminal groups use Albania as a transit point for drug and human trafficking largely due to its geographically strategic location, weakened law enforcement and judicial systems as well as porous land borders, according to a 2013 UNODC report.


Consuming Marijuana For The First Time
Ever since I wrote an article titled ‘Robert Platshorn’s “Silver Tour” Is The Key To The Medical Marijuana Senior Vote‘ I have been getting a lot of e-mails from seniors around the country looking for advice about how to consume marijuana for the first time, or at least for the first time in awhile. I actually wrote an article about this when we first started TWB. The article is pasted below, hopefully it helps steer you folks in the right direction:
A frequent occurrence has been happening to me lately. Several people from the Baby Boomer generation (and friends of baby boomers), have been asking me for tips on consuming marijuana for the first time or after a multiple decade layoff. If you haven’t smoked since the 60’s or 70’s, you might as well be consuming marijuana for the first time all over again, because the weed we have these days will knock your socks off.
The questions are from people that want to experiment with it to see if they get a medical benefit, as well as people just wanting to do it for recreational use. What has spurred an increase in the latter of the two, I am not sure. Maybe they have been watching ‘It’s Complicated‘ on DVD, who knows. At least two dozen middle aged people have asked me recently though, so I figured it would be a good blog topic. As always, if you have tips of your own, please leave them in the comments section so that others can benefit from your expertise!

A big factor in the first time consumption experience is planning ahead of time. There are countless reasons for this. One major reason that comes to mind is avoiding any interaction with the outside world when you are baked out of your mind for the first time, and more paranoid than you’ve been in your life. You were once scared of having your parents find out…imagine having a son/daughter, co-worker, or neighbor find out. This might be something you want to avoid. Simply sending a text message, or Facebook update, etc, stating, ‘I’m not feeling too hot, I think I’m going to go to bed early tonight.’ is a great way to free up the evening.
I always recommend smoking in the evening if it’s your first time. When you get baked, you will want to have funny entertainment around, some tasty treats, and a warm place to sleep by the end of the night. If you get really high during the day, you are going to be high for a long, long time, take a nap, then wake up sometime around 8pm and your whole sleep pattern will be thrown off. That’s not too big of a deal if you are a youngster, but if you have been on the same sleep/work schedule for a couple decades like most baby boomers, you will likely prefer the evening marijuana session.
Music is a big part of the first time marijuana smoking experience, even if it is just being played lightly in the background. When I consumed marijuana for the first time, people were still rockin’ cassette tapes. These days, with i-pods and mp3 players, you can make song lists that last for hours in just a couple minutes. Remember, you will be high for probably four hours or more the first time you consume marijuana, so plan your playlist accordingly. Make sure to include songs that you listen to all the time, but also mix in songs that you haven’t heard for a long, long time. By the time they play, you will be extremely high and likely will have forgotten that you put them on the playlist and it will blow your mind!
As I alluded to earlier in the article, food is going to be your friend. Things to drink are a necessity too, as dry mouth is a virtual guarantee. If you plan ahead of time, your experience will be greatly enhanced. Don’t get me wrong; you will probably be so hungry that you would eat anything in sight. However, if you make sure to stock up on your favorite snacks ahead of time, you will be much happier, and not run out of food and have to go outside of your stoner bubble. When I got high for the first time, it was like ‘search and destroy.’ I ate stuff that I have probably never eaten again. The next day I felt like the guy off of ‘Man v.s. Food.’ Whatever you end up eating, the main thing to keep in mind is to have a LOT of it on hand because it is going to be a feast of mythical proportions.
A great comedy film is a must during your first marijuana experience. Find one that you have never seen before, so that you don’t know ahead of time what the funniest parts will be. EVERYTHING will be funny so the title doesn’t matter as much, just make sure it’s good. A stoner movie is preferred for obvious reasons. For a great list of stoner movies, click this link.
The people you are consuming marijuana with is another large factor. I would never recommend getting high for the first time by yourself; it is going to be a journey that you want to share with a close friend or two. Large groups are not fun because you will be extremely high and paranoid, and will over analyze what other people are doing and/or thinking. I had a friend get high for the first time at a sporting event, and he ended up freaking out, running out of the place, and hiding in the parking lot until the event was over — not a good experience. I would recommend doing at your home, or the home of a close reliable friend whose home you are very comfortable with, and no more than a few people.
You want to consume marijuana with veterans, not rookies. You might not have a choice over this matter, as you may be required to smoke with whoever has the weed at the time, which is understandable. But, if you can, smoking with someone that has been doing it for years, day in, day out, is the best option. They will try to make the experience as fun as possible for you, and chances are, they have been looking forward to it for a long time! Just make sure the people are mellow — smoking with a super hyper/drunk person is not fun when it is your first time (or probably anytime!). You will want to chill, while they want to get all amped up. These are the same type of people that will do everything they can to get you as high as possible and mess with you to the point that your experience isn’t fun.
Now that the environment has been set, it’s time to talk about the marijuana itself. As I stated earlier in the article, the quality of marijuana is much stronger these days than when baby boomers were growing up. According to a conversation that I had with an employee at Full Spectrum Laboratories, the best of the best these days is just above 20% cannabanoids, roughly 5 times as potent as what marijuana used to measure at a couple decades ago. Needless to say, you need to be careful to not get too high. But, with that being said, it’s impossible to overdose from marijuana consumption, so feel free to go for the gold! As long as the marijuana you are consuming is not in brick form, is seedless, and does not smell like mold or mildew, it should do the trick. You just might have to consume more of it.
What is the best way to consume marijuana for the first time? I put this out to my friends and it seemed that the most popular answer was the joint. A pipe, bong, or bubbler can be too confusing to a new smoker who doesn’t grasp the concept of a carb. A joint is very straight forward, and easy to regulate the hits. With a pipe, bong, or bubbler, the new smoker will not know that they took too big of a hit until it is too late. A waterfall or gravity bong is definitely out of the question. If you are about to consume marijuana for the first time, beware of anyone that tells you to take a hit from anything involving a 2-liter soda bottle, which is what a waterfall and gravity bong involve. This will be WAY too much for you, and it is very common to throw up as a result of hyperventilation. You don’t experience any adverse health side effects, but it certainly isn’t a fun experience! I have had friends and family smoke people out this way when it is their first time, and it always ends in disaster.
A vaporizer is a great way to consume marijuana for the first time, but a little harder to come across. Most veterans either have one or know where to get one, but are still not quite as common, certainly not as common as a doobie. I would definitely advise against eating the marijuana in brownies, etc. It is a really easy way to consume it, and very appealing to the first time consumer because you don’t have to inhale anything. However, eating cannabis foods will get you really, really high, and there is virtually no way to come down for hours and hours once you have overdone it.
It is really hard to know how it is going to affect a person due to varying tolerances. When marijuana is smoked, it goes into the nervous system via the lungs. The reaction is very quick and intense at first then slowly dissipates over the course of the next handful of hours. When marijuana is eaten, it goes into the blood stream via the digestive system. It takes an hour or so in order to feel the effect, usually resulting in more cannabis edibles being consumed in the interim. Then once the effects come on, it comes on strong, and the consumer doesn’t realize they have over done it until it is too late. While this might be the experience that some first timers like, it is probably not the preferred route. Smoking is much easier to regulate than eating it, so be advised.
The way you smoke the joint itself should be discussed. Don’t toke it until you choke, like most people will want you to. Severe coughing is not fun for anyone and you should try to avoid it as much as you can. You are not smoking marijuana to be cool; you are doing it to get the desired effect, so take your time. Start with a really small hit and don’t hold it in very long and go from there. You will eventually find the perfect sized hit and then go for it.
If you think you are feeling too much of the effects of marijuana, which can be typical of a first time marijuana consumer experience, I have been told a couple things that help. When I was at the medical marijuana clinic the first time receiving my card, the doctor told me that drinking water that is as cold as possible is the best way to reduce the effects. Even splashing cold water on your face is a good idea too he told me. I have never been ‘too high from marijuana,’ but I have seen it happen to other people. They said the water trick doesn’t eliminate the effects, but certainly helps reduce it. Also, it helps to eat something. Everyone that I talk to feels that the effects diminish after a big meal. Once again, the effects don’t go away entirely, but they are reduced. Lastly, going to sleep always helps, and chances are if you wait long enough, sleep will happen no matter what. Most people that I have seen consume marijuana for the first time don’t stay awake for more than a few hours.
Most of the first time consumers that I talked to that inspired this article were up in the air about consuming marijuana because they felt a little guilty. DON’T FEEL GUILTY. There is nothing wrong with consuming marijuana, and it is quite enjoyable, so consume it in confidence! If a person looks at the polls, and looks at the growing force behind marijuana legalization in the political world, they will see that they are in the majority, not the minority. Multiple generations of Americans were brainwashed by Reefer Madness propaganda, and now that the truth is getting out, prohibitionist support is eroding. So welcome to the marijuana consumers club and enjoy; your first marijuana experience is always something that people never, ever forget!

10 Countries That Smoke The Most Marijuana

10 Countries That Smoke The Most Marijuana

The United Nations just released its annual World Drug Report for 2016.

The report, prepared by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, summarizes data on various illegal drugs around the globe, including marijuana. Along with drug trafficking updates, the UN also provides a breakdown of annual drug use by country.
According to the UN’s latest data, here are the top 10 weed-consuming countries in 2016:

10. Jamaica

Use: 9.86% of the population
Status: Illegal, but soon to be decriminalized

9. Australia

Use: 10.3% of the population
Status: Illegal

8. Spain

Use: 10.6% of the population
Status: Legal for personal use. Illegal to produce, sell or use in public.

7. Canada 

Use: 12.2% of the population
Status: Illegal for recreational use. Legal for medical use

6. Nigeria 

Use: 14.3% of the population
Status: Illegal

5. New Zealand 

Use: 14.6% of the population
Status: Illegal

4. Italy 

Use: 14.6% of the population
Status: Illegal to produce or sell. Decriminalized for personal possession

3. United States 

Use: 14.8% of the population
Status: Legal in 22 states and D.C. for medical use. Legal in Colorado and Washington for recreational use.

2. Zambia 

Use: 17.7% of the population
Status: Illegal

1. Iceland  

Use: 18.3% of the population
Status: Illegal  

Top 10 Countries That Produce The Best Weed

Top 10 Countries That Produce The Best Weed

There is change in the air these days. Well, maybe it’s not just change, but change that is taking the form of some pleasant smelling and distinct smoke. That’s right, throughout the United States, where carrying a small amount of pot could once get someone tossed in prison for decades, states are slowly allowing their citizens the herbal medicine (or pleasure) they want.
There are a few reasons for this new phenomenon, ranging from a decreased belief in the drug war (losing cause that wastes a laughable amount of money) to the belief that smoking marijuana actually produces no victims and therefore should not be a crime, building off the argument that it is no responsibility of any government to dictate what free citizens put into their bodies.
Whether you are a daily consumer who likes to get high early and have it last all day, or you are the type who smokes before bed time, or even the “every now and again” type, it’s a good time to be alive. Of course, this doesn’t apply to those who smoke because running from the cops is exciting (they exist). Even still though, times will be even better when the debate over pot is a thing of the past and governments have moved on to more pressing problems, like their own spending and their bureaucrats watching adult movies all day, every day. But that’s a story for another day… Back to marijuana, one of the most popular debates between stoners is where they can find the best green. I’ve always been a believer that when talking about pot, beer or women, the best one is the one currently nearby and cheap, but this is not the method of thinking for everyone. There are some strains of bud that produce a better high than others and the issue of smell, and how long the buzz lasts, are also criteria for what makes the best pot. Here is our list of countries who just get it right when it comes to marijuana.


10. Colombia

While it is most widely known for cocaine, it still produces weed that packs some decent kick, and a great deal of it. Colombian bud can be found across North America and throughout northern South America. The country itself has been close to legalizing the drug (along with blow) for a few years. One of the best from the country is Colombian Gold, which (as with all sativa) produces an energetic and alert high.
While many fans of Colombian Gold swear by its flavor and effects, growers trying to buy seeds in the United States should be wary, as quality is inconsistent.

10. Colombia

Those trying to grow Nigerian strains of bud outdoors in North America may be disappointed, but there has been some success with indoor methods. Another pure sativa, Nigerian is a powerful strain that is known to “take you away” and some suggest making sure your day is free before indulging. While there are other strains of marijuana commonly grown in Nigeria, many are crosses with plants from other regions, one popular and powerful example is Afghan/Nigerian, (spoiler alert) more on Afghani stuff later.


8. Mexico

Mexico is one of those places that produces great weed but we really don’t encourage anyone to go there; it’s in the middle of one of the ugliest drug wars the world has ever seen. There was a time when Mexican weed was considered some of the best in the world, but legalization in the United States has hit the Mexican weed business hard, as has the drug war, which has nearly destroyed the quality aspect of that industry.
Mexican producers used to make some of the highest quality sativa strains in the world, but as of 2015, Mexico has taken a slide down this list.


7. Canada

Canada is still one of those places where yes, pot is still illegal, but if you look around, few people are ever penalized. The small-time dealer may get shaken down by the cops and given a stern talking-to and the massive grow ops are occasionally shut down. But look around; whether heading to work or just in a park after a miserable day at high school, Canadians are enjoying their bud.
From the east coast to the west, there is a great deal of variation in Canadian weed, but for the best high, anything with B.C. in its name is a great bet. B.C. stands for British Columbia, which is a Canadian province, but for our purposes it is also Brilliant Chronic.


6. Jamaica

While there are those places that specialize in pot that will take you to another planet, Jamaica is the place to go if you want a simple, easy going, delightful high, with amazing tasting weed. While the technology and methods that can lead to these powerful strains are available, Jamaican herb is generally produced without these; leading to a natural taste (in a good way) with a pleasant high that will make you forget your troubles, mon.
Despite Jamaica being known worldwide for Rastafarianism, a religion that encourages pot-induced spirituality, marijuana was illegal until February when small amounts for personal use were


5. Australia

They have been known for years to produce some out of this world bud down under, but the 40% rumor from back in 2013 is still somewhat up in the air, as some in the United States have disputed the authenticity of such claims.


4. Netherlands

The Netherlands is famous for having been one of the first places in the world to have a tourist industry partly based around marijuana consumption. I say partly because the red light district also had a hand in the tourism boom. Of course, the authorities in the country, especially around Amsterdam, have recently scaled back some of the measures as locals became fed up with foreign youngsters wandering their streets completely blasted.
With regard to the pot itself, it is unquestionably among the best in the world, often achieving hybrids of other widely beloved strains created for both potency and flavor.


3. Kazakhstan

For those who thought that Borat was the only thing Kazakhstan is known for, they also produce great weed and a great deal of it…the two actually go nicely hand in hand. It is one of the few places thought to be the first in which cannabis was first harvested for use by people.
The herb grows naturally in many parts of the country and has been enjoyed by locals for millenia. Of course, back in the days of the Soviet Union, pot consumption was made illegal. There are still some draconian laws in place, but mainly for distribution, as opposed to use. Whether it is the wild plant or a variant that has been modified, marijuana produced in the southeast is widely considered to be of the finest quality in the world, combining a great, peaceful high with great flavor. Some of the world’s best hash comes from the region and many popular cross-bred species of marijuana include Kazakh roots.


2. Afghanistan

alk about persistence, Afghanistan got looted and pillaged by the Soviets decades ago, and even after the lengthy conflict between the Taliban and the United States and their allies, they still grow some of the best Mary Jane in the world and an obscene amount of it. In recent years production has been reduced, partly due to a declining demand, but also because of officials in some provinces cracking down on the drug.

Afghanistan is another place in which some believe marijuana to have first been cultivated. Some of the finest indica strains, many of which are widely grown and enjoyed in the United States, such as anything with the name “Kush” in it, hail from Afghanistan. While Kush may not be the best of all strains in any given way, it does find a great combination of relaxing, peaceful high along with a great aroma.


1. United States

While nearly none of the strains of weed that are popular in the United States actually originated there, American growers are in the process of perfecting the game. For a quick parallel; in the beer industry, many of the worst beers are mass-produced garbage that comes from the United States. On the flip side however, craft brewing has led to some of the finest ales and lagers in the world to be American made, even if other nations like Germany and Ireland don’t wish to hear it.
The same can be said of marijuana. There is plenty of backyard trash in the United States, barely fit for human consumption, but at the same time, so much science is going into new methods of growing that the options are so numerous and the new hybrids are plentiful and creative. Especially with the gradual wave of legalization and decriminalization, marijuana production in the U.S. is reaching new levels of dedication and study, leading to new strains all the time. No matter what your purpose, whether you have a serious illness or you just want to enjoy the film Heavy Metal to the max, there is a perfect strain of American pot for you.
In short, while other parts of the world may be the birth places of brilliant strains of dope, the U.S. is the place that has some of all of them, along with dedicated enthusiast/ scientists working to breed them together for new and interesting strains.